Moody Miracle League News
Fall games are getting ready to start up. Please note that we have changed the times for the games on the 28th. Alabama and Georgia are playing in the evening, so we will play during the daytime.
Happy Birthday to this Month's Birthday Players and Coaches
9/8 Skylor H - Braves
9/8 Cassidee R - Cubs
9/9 Daniel R - Angels
9/10 Dylan S - Yankees
9/10 Kelsi M- Braves
9/12 Connor E - Giants
9/15 Adam S - Giants
9/16 Prince H - Pirates
9/20 Dalton L - Athletics
9/22 Chris C - Athletics
9/24 Tracey W (Coach of Angels)
9/26 Joseph B - Rockies
9/27 Bella W - Pirates

Ballpark Activities
Sept 28
****Day Game****
Support your favorite college football team! Wear their team shirt.
10:30 Pirates/Minors
12:00 Majors
If you know of any group or organization that would be interested in being buddies, please have them call 205-225-9444

Oct 5
Crusin' for a Miracle
9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Moody Ballpark
This car show is one of our major fundraisers. It takes place coinciding with Oktoberfest.
We have a players’ choice pick. If you would like to help pick a winner, come by the MML tent/bake sale to get your voting ticket. Return your vote back to that location. You need to vote by 11:30 am.
We hope to see you there.
This is a MML event.

Oct 5
Golf Cart Raffle
Who would like a chance to win a golf kart!
We are raffling a Yamaha Golf Kart this year at the car show on October 5. The tickets are $25.00 each or 5 for $100.00. All proceeds will go to the Moody Miracle League. If you would like a ticket/s please contact:
Kim Sebastian 205-225-9444
Christy McCombs 205-283-0952
Tickets will also be sold at the car show.
Pass this on to friends, family and coworkers.

Oct 5
MML Bake Sale
8am –till baked goods are sold out.
Moody Ballpark
This is a fundraiser during the car show.
We will need help with baking goods to sell. The money from the bake sale helps fund the Christmas Party.
So bakers, be prepared to bake as we get closer to October. Also ask your churches, clubs, neighbors and schools if they could help.
Drop off will be October , from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm at the concession stand or on October 5 at the bake sale booth.

Oct 12
Night Game
Wear your PJ's for tonights Pajama Party!
6:00 Pirates/Minors
7:30 Majors
If you know of any group or organization that would be interested in being buddies, please have them call 205-225-9444.

Oct 19
Day Game
Show us who your favorite character is. Is it batman? Mickey Mouse? Ironman? The Mandalorian? It could be anyone! Proudly wear your shirt on who you like the best.
10:30 Pirates/Minors
12:00 Majors
If you know of any group or organization that would be interested in being buddies, please have them call 205-225-9444.

Oct 26
Day Game
Wear your Halloween Costume today (nothing scary) Prizes will be given out for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for both games.
10:30 Pirates/Minors
12:00 Majors
If you know of any group or organization that would be interested in being buddies, please have them call 205-225-9444.

Dec 7
MML Christmas Party
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
@ Moody Civic Center 200 Civic Center Dr, Moody, AL 35004.
Parents/players are welcome to bring their favorite dessert to share. It is not mandatory.
Lunch will be served and Santa will make a guest appearance.
This event is open to the players and their immediate family only.
No cost to participate.
This is a MML event.
After October 1, Please text your RSVP to 205-225-9444 with the players name, team, how many childeren, and total amount coming.
Birmingham Bulls
We will be going to the Birmingham Bulls games sometime in January or February. Information to follow. They are just now opening the sales up for the games
We will go bowling on the oppsite month of the bulls. Information to be posted at a later date.
Community Events
If you have a community event that would benefit the League players and their players, please forward it to the and we will add it the community part of the news letter.
Moody Miracle League
670 Park Avenue
Moody, AL 35004