Moody Miracle League is in Full Swing
The Moody Miracle League was in full swing on Saturday with home runs all around the field. Dava Walker of the Cubs was all smiles as she was fielding the ball ready to throw it in.

Bertha Maddox of the Cardinals stands next to Matt Cunningham waiting for the next hit their way.

Payton Ray of the Athletics stands ready at the plate looking to hit yet another home run.

Amanda Katalik starts down the first base line on another home run trot.

Michael Baker of the Dandy Lions eyes the ball just before he takes a powerful swing.

These Miracle League players have an awesome time playing baseball and it is evident in their faces as they play. A special thanks to the Young Couples Ministry of Eden Westside Baptist Church for being buddies for our players and also to the Moody High School Key Club who have become regular help at the park. If you haven’t seen these players firsthand, please plan to join them at the ballpark on Saturdays during their season.