6th Annual Miracles in Motion 5k
The Moody Miracle League 6th Annual Miracles in Motion event is set for Saturday, March 7, 2020 at Moody Miracle League Ball Field. This is our 6th year for our Miracles in Motion 5k Race and 1 Mile Walk/Run.
This race is great for all individuals regardless of age or athletic abilities. Come run/walk or roll this event. To date, we have raised over $100k toward the $150k we are railing to replace the field.
5k Registration Only $20
We are continuing to keep our low price this year of only $20 for the 5k as we want more runners to sign up and come meet our players. Each 5k registered individual will get an awesome race t-shirt*, a chipped-bib and a grab bag. This is a family-friendly event for all and we expect to have a fun day with all athletes including our special needs baseball players.
1 Mile Fun Run/Walk/Roll is Free
The 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk/Roll is free to participate. If you register for the $15, you will get an awesome race t-shirt*, a big and grab bag.
*Only the first 200 registrants will receive this year's t-shirt. Selected Previous Year's Shirt, if all others gone (Various sizes as available).
A Baseball Game will be Played
A baseball game played by our players will be held after the 5k run. This will allow all participants in the 5k & Fun Run to experience a game on our field. We are planning for 400+ participants in this family-friendly environment.
Our Course is Certified
Our race course is certified with USA Track & Field (Certification #AL18055JE).
We hope you will consider joining us as we encourage community involvement, wellness and fun while raising funds to help us replace our aging field. This allows special needs layers of all ages from St. Clair, Etowah, Jefferson, Shelby, Talladega, Blount and Calhoun counties to continue playing the game of baseball.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Any sponsorship level you choose helps us move closer to our goal of raising the funds for the field. All donations are tax-deductible (#20-0593044). See sponsorship levels below. Please respond before February 13th as we will be placing our shirt order on this date. If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sebastian at 205.225.9444 or email us at moodymiracleleague@gmail.com.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support!
Moody Miracle League

T-Shirt Sponsorships are available at $300 per team which covers the cost of each player's shirt, hat and award.